Emory Colvin

I am a graduate student working in the Radiation Transport and Reactor Physics group at Oregon State University.
I focus on modeling isotope production in research reactors and diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM fields. Dr. Todd S. Palmer is my advisor.
I graduated with a BS in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007 and my MS in Nuclear Engineering in 2009.
Research Interests
My current work is in modeling Plutonium-238 production for use in NASA radioisotope power systems. Currently, Np-237 targets are being irradiated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) to produce Pu-238. However, HFIR cannot produce the quantities needed to support NASA mission requirements. Thus the capacity of Idaho National Laboratory’s Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) is being evaluated.
In order to facilitate this analysis, reduced order modeling methods are being developed to avoid the necessity of running a full Monte Carlo model for each target position and design.
I also work on diversity and inclusion in nuclear engineering and STEM fields in general, both through research and participation in the Diversity and Inclusion in the American Nuclear Society committee.
Publication and Presentations
- J.D. Bess, E. Colvin, and P. Cummings. “NTR-enhanced lunar-base supply using existing launch fleet capabilities”, Proceedings of NETS, June 2009.
- E. Colvin and T.S. Palmer. “A critique of literature on transgender inclusion in engineering education and practice”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, volume 121, pages 233-235, November 2019.
- E. Colvin and T.S. Palmer. “Use of MCNP surface source cards for isotope production optimization”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, volume 121, pages 1549-1551, November 2019.
- E. Colvin, J.H. Rhodes, G.A. Marcantel, T. Kajihara, J.T. Gates, J.J. Kuczek, L.B. Beveridge, A.N. Nagarajan, and D.A. Fritz. “Optimization of Plutonium-238 production in the Advanced Test Reactor for radioisotope thermoelectric generators in deep space exploration applications”, Proceedings of ANS NETS 2019: Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, February 2019.
- E.M. Colvin, T.S. Palmer, and S.R. Reese. “Preliminary analysis of Pu-238 production in TRIGA thermal columns”, Proceedings of ANS NETS 2018 - Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, February 2018.
- E.F. Gayton, W.M. Stacey, W. Van Rooijen, T.L. Bates, E.M. Colvin, J.A. Dion, J.S. Feener, D.G. Gibbs, C.M. Grennor, J.W. Head, E.W. Hope, J.A. Ireland, A.A. Johnson, B.L. Jones, N.A. Mejias, C.M. Myers, A.E. Schmitz, C.M. Sommer, T.S. Sumner, and L.P. Tschaepe. “Design overview of a fast, subcritical advanced burner reactor”, Proceedings of ANS/ENS International Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, November 2007.
- S.D. Howe, N. Barra, J. Bess, E. Colvin, P. Cummings, B. Cunningham, M. Ghrist, R. Johnson, R. O’Brien, J. Perkins, K. Supak, and M. Yano. “Using a nuclear reactor to support a lunar outpost: Is it cost effective?” Proceedings of ANS Annual Meeting: Space Nuclear Conference, June 2007.
- S.D. Howe, N. Barra, J. Bess, E. Colvin, P. Cummings, B. Cunningham, M. Ghrist, R. Johnson, R. O’Brien, J. Perkins, K. Supak, and M. Yano. “Returning humans to the moon: comparison of chemical engine and nuclear rocket performance as an earth departure stage”, Proceedings of STAIF, February 2007.
- W.M. Stacey, W. van Rooijen, T. Bates, E. Colvin, J. Dion, J. Feener, E. Gayton, D. Gibbs, C. Grennor, J. Head, F. Hope, J. Ireland, A. Johnson, B. Jones, N. Mejias, C. Myers, A. Schmitz, C. Sommer, T. Sumner, and L. Tschaepe. “A TRU-Zr metal-fuel sodium-cooled fast subcritical advanced burner reactor”, Nuclear Technology, 162(1):53-79, April 2008.
Other Interests
I do historic recreation with the Society for Creative Anachronism, where I do calligraphy, simple garb construction, and volunteer for the service side of things through my position as treasurer, running events, and helping with events I’m not running.
I also play clarinet and dabble in playing the hammered dulcimer.