I am a fourth year Ph.D. student at Oregon State University under the direction of Dr. Todd Palmer in the Radiation Transport and Reactor Physics (RTRP) research group. I received my B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University in May, 2016.
My current research involves solving the radiative transport equation for phonons to predict thermal conductivity in ceramics. My previous work and research could be summarized as: neutronic modeling of small special purpose nuclear power systems, dosimetry activation predictions inside research reactors, and modeling and analysis of sodium fast reactor shielding experiments.
Lithium Aluminate is a ceramic breeder material that is of interest in the fusion community. Lithium Aluminate drastically changes microstructure and porosity as a function of neutron irradiation. These parameters directly impact the thermal performance properties of the ceramic. Certainty in thermal performance parameters is necessary for accurate and reliable modeling. The current fuel performance tools used by PNNL do not agree well with experimental data.
Due to phonon transport being the primary heat transport mechanism in ceramic materials, Oregon State University and PNNL have partnered to develop a higher-fidelity mechanistic model based on phonon transport to approximate the thermal conductivity tensor in irradiated Lithium Aluminate. This model will eventually depend on the material microstructure, vacancy densities, defects and various other parameters that highly impact heat transport at the macro to micro-scale.
We have developed an arbitrarily higher-order finite element radiation transport solver compatible with curved surfaces utilizing MFEM. This transport solver employs the Self-Adjoint Angular Flux (SAAF) formulation of the radiative transport equation using the Discrete Ordinates (Sn) approximation.
Preliminary results simulating temperature profiles in silicon and lithium aluminate match previously published work
N. WHITMAN, T. PALMER, P. GREANEY, D. ANISTRATOV, D. BURKES, and D. SENOR, “Consistent Temperature and Intensity Calculations from Deterministic Multi-Frequency Phonon Transport”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc, (In Review).
N. WHITMAN, T. TRAHAN, and J. HUTCHINSON, “Validation of MCATK: Comparison to Subcritical Copper and Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Experiments at NCERC”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc, (In Review).
N. WHITMAN, and J. HADER, “Attila and MCNP6.2 Validation with the JASPER-IHX Benchmark for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Shielding Applications”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 121, 1267-1270 (2019).
N. WHITMAN, T. HUGHES, J. KELSEY, A. MORELL-PACHECO, and P. TSVETKOV, “VASIMR Interfaced High Temperature Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor for Space Applications”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 115, 80-83 (2016).
N. WHITMAN, and B. COX, “Characterization of the Pulsed Radiation Environment in FREC-II at the ACRR”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc, 115, 1074-1077 (2016).
N. WHITMAN, P. MCCLURE, and D. POSTON, “Modeling and Analysis of the BUK/RES-5 Fast Reactor Using MCNP”. LA-UR-15-25998, (2015).
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Mathematics and Computational (M&C) Division Raleigh, North Carolina April, 2021
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting 2019 Washington, D.C. November, 2019
International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT) Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (PMCC) at Sorbonne University Paris, France September 22-27, 2019
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Nuclear Materials Science, Processing and Signature Discovery Workshop Richland, Washington May, 2018
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) National Security Directorate’s Student Poster Presentation Richland, Washington Summer 2017
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting 2016 Student Design Competition Las Vegas, Nevada November, 2016
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) W-Division Student Poster Presentation Los Alamos, New Mexico August, 2016